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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in love, life and everything in between. Hope you have a nice stay!

I’m Growing Y’all

“Growth means change and change involves risks, stepping from the known to the unknown.” – Author unknown

Unless you are new to the blog you know I’m single and it’s not by choice and evidently my future bae is not going to come knocking on my door which sucks LOL!

So, I have dating sites on my phone (Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, Soul Swipe and Tinder) but if I’m being honest, I’m not on them much and when I am my swipe left game is tight. If you are one of the lucky ones and have never had to do this swipe left means not interested.

I finally told myself I had to do better so I began being intentional about getting on there and actually swiping right…I mean you never know until you try right?

Well, I had a match…woot woot! He reached out and we had a pretty good conversation and he seemed cool. He finally asked if we could meet in person. If you know me, I had the OMG face, but I took a big breath, put my big girl panties on and said yes.

That was HUGE for me! We planned to meet Friday after work. I told him what time I got off and would text when I was on my way.

I get off and I do that…crickets. No response. I send another message when I am closer to see if he was there…crickets again.

Usually, I would have started thinking something was wrong with me. Maybe he found more pics of me and wasn’t interested. He thought I wasn’t pretty, fat, etc. I mean I would have gone down this whole rabbit hole and then been sad for a long time.

BUT…I didn’t. I honestly didn’t feel a thing. I went shoe shopping and hadn’t thought much about it until working on this post.

I am so proud of me…one because I actually talked to someone and planned to meet them and two it didn’t bother me when he went ghost.

This journey I’m on to loving me and finding my happiness is going pretty dang good. To some this may seem small but to me it felt amazing. Not being affected by rejection and/or thinking something is wrong with me is a flaw I have but Friday it wasn’t there.

Could this happen again…sure it could. Will it affect me differently next time…possibly?  But what I am learning is I have to take it day by day and roll with the punches.

I have already swiped right again so we will see, but either way I’m learning I’m good enough and because someone rejects me doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with me, they just don’t have good taste.


Crowned CaNesha

Online Dating is a Sh&$ Show!

My Love Language